This rock plant, endemic to the Eastern Alps, grows on sunny and dry rocks at medium and low altitudes; in the Ampezzo Dolomites it is found only in the north and east parts of the valley. Artemisia species are highly aromatic plants, as Artemisia absinthium and A. genepi; Artemisia nitida often shares its niche with Viola pinnata, another rock species.
×Without doubt the most beautiful and conspicuous orchid in the Alpine and European flora. Formerly endangered because of indiscriminate picking, this species has now a reasonably widespread population. The preferred habitat is the alluvial, torrential limestone near the valley floor. The banks of the Boite and Felizon, upstream of Fiames, and the surrounding plains are very rich in this orchid.
×This endemic species of the north-central Dolomites grows on rocky habitats, in niches of overhanging rocks, protected against direct rainfalls. It is not found at high altitudes and often shares its habitat with other endemic species, such as Campanula morettiana ; its Ampezzo habitat spreads from Cristallo to Nuvolau and Tofana.
×This beautiful, scented species of carnation is characterized by fringed petals. It grows on the screes to the east of the Ampezzo valley, from Mt. Sorapis to Cristallo, and it is present on the mountains of Cadore and Oltrepiave. Its westernmost limit is the Ampezzo valley floor and it is considered and east-Alpine species.
×This tiny primrose grows on the rocky cracks of the highest Dolomite peaks, generally above 2,400 metres, where its stalkless flowers form compact rosette adherent to the rock. This endemic species is quite rare and its distribution is limited to the limestone areas of the Eastern Dolomites.
×Parco Naturale delle Dolomiti d'Ampezzo
Via Mons. P. Frenademez, 1
I-32043 Cortina d'Ampezzo
Tel. 0436 2206 - Fax 0436 878704
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